
Daemeter staff brings passion, knowledge and a deep sense of purpose in our work to support clients and their stakeholders in developing lasting solutions to complex problems. This section presents reports that are written by our staff and highlight the work that we do to give a glimpse into the ideas and thoughts that drive us.

BAPPENAS, GGGI launch green growth videos
  • By Daemeter
  • Editor Daemeter

Indonesia’s National Development Agency (BAPPENAS) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) have  launched videos to explain their strategies to encourage the systematic implementation of growth that is  environmentally-friendly and socially-responsible across the Southeast Asian country. The graphic videos, produced by Daemeter Consulting, as a member of the PWC Alliance implementing  team, and Impro Production, […]

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Protecting HCS and HCV in palm oil: Complementary or competing approaches?
Protecting HCS and HCV in palm oil: Complementary or competing approaches?
  • By Gary Paoli
  • Editor Gary Paoli

How do High Conservation Value (HCV) approaches and High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessments for  mitigating impacts differ? Gary Paoli suggests they are complementary and should be combined into a  single assessment tool. The last two years have seen a rapid proliferation of sustainability commitments in palm oil. This includes  support to established certification schemes, such […]

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Reiselivsmessen 2014: Indonesian pavilion records four successes
Reiselivsmessen 2014: Indonesian pavilion records four successes
  • By Green Indonesia
  • Editor Daemeter

Indonesian pavilion recorded four successes in the three-day exhibition participation in the biggest travel  and tourism exhibition in Oslo, Reiselivsmessen, at the Telenor Arena this weekend (10-12 January 2014 ).  The Embassy of Indonesia in Oslo noted several interesting things, including record visitors, positive  feedback to products displayed in the pavilion, and potential cooperations. Record […]

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A comparison of leading palm oil certification standards applied in Indonesia
A comparison of leading palm oil certification standards applied in Indonesia
  • By Gary Paoli
  • Editor Daemeter

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is currently holding its annual meeting in Medan,  Indonesia. Responding to the discussions on oil palm certification in the first day of the meeting, we are  publishing this executive summary for a study of the same title, slated to be published and can be  downloaded for free from […]

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Achieving palm oil sustainability: a challenge for Indonesia and the world
Achieving palm oil sustainability: a challenge for Indonesia and the world
  • By Chandra Kirana
  • Editor Daemeter

In today’s world, there is no getting away from palm oil. It is a part of all of our lives and as such it is an  extremely complex issue. Yet, the dominant narrative concerning the rise of palm oil in contemporary life  has been, and still remains, over simplistic. Its proponents describe it as a […]

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