89 Result(s)
INACRAFT 2025: The Launch of Sustainable Palm Oil-based Batik Wax, A Collaboration in Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Practices

INACRAFT 2025: The Launch of Sustainable Palm Oil-based Batik Wax, A Collaboration in Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Practices

A collaboration between Forum Pengembangan Kampoeng Batik Laweyan (FPKBL), WWF-Indonesia, RSPO, Apical, CECT Universitas Trisakti, Daemeter, and Control Union has just launched a batik made of sustainable palm oil wax.

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Other Practice Areas

Other Practice Areas

Beyond our main Knowledge Areas, Daemeter offers a range of services and expertise areas that respond to the specific needs of our private sector, government and civil society clients.

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Geospatial & Informatics

Geospatial & Informatics

Innovating in GIS, remote sensing & non-spatial supply chain data platforms, analytics & visualization.

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Online Talkshow: Best Practice untuk Pengembangan Proyek NbS

Online Talkshow: Best Practice untuk Pengembangan Proyek NbS

Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Iklim, Masyarakat, dan Keanekaragaman Hayati

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Challenges and opportunities in Indonesia’s legal framework for achieving zero deforestation in the palm oil sector

Challenges and opportunities in Indonesia’s legal framework for achieving zero deforestation in the palm oil sector

Daemeter is assisting a review of recent key legal, regulatory, and governance changes related to Indonesia's palm oil sector to identify challenges and opportunities for achieving zero deforestation.

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