Comprehensive field level assessments and reporting to accredited standards, utilising an in-house team of qualified lead assessors and highly experienced multidisciplinary field survey staff
Due-diligence, rapid or in-depth assessments of human rights, labour, gender, social conflict and livelihoods issues across complex supply chains and landscapes throughout Indonesia.
Scoping, design, stakeholder convening and ongoing technical support to complex multistakeholder initiatives at regional levels that promote sustainable, low carbon development aligned to the Government of Indonesia’s national and sub-national development priorities.
Lead experts, field enumerators, evaluators and skilled facilitators for programmatic M&E, knowledge management and learning, including within complex, multi-year development agency collaborations between governments, private sector and civil society partners.
Scoping, risk & gap assessment, advisory and practical support for ESG compliance related to conditional investment in supply chains and land-based sectors.
Materials and modules, direct training, event organisation and facilitation, and ongoing technical mentoring for a wide range of sustainability related disciplines, from support to senior corporate level, to best agricultural practice training in rural communities.
In-depth policy research on climate, forestry, agriculture, land-use and regional development, grounded in a deep understanding of stakeholders and political economy, and oriented towards practical solutions and recommendations.