
Daemeter staff brings passion, knowledge and a deep sense of purpose in our work to support clients and their stakeholders in developing lasting solutions to complex problems. This section presents reports that are written by our staff and highlight the work that we do to give a glimpse into the ideas and thoughts that drive us.

BP REDD+, DNPI integrated into Ministry of Environment and Forestry By Daemeter Consulting
BP REDD+, DNPI integrated into Ministry of Environment and Forestry By Daemeter Consulting
  • By Daemeter
  • Editor Daemeter

REDD+ Agency and the National Committee on Climate Change (DNPI) will be integrated into the recently formed Ministry of Environment and Forestry, according to a new presidential regulation signed on 21  January 2015. Presidential Regulation no. 16/2015 does not mention under which directorate general the agencies will be  merged into, nor a specific transition period […]

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