
Daemeter staff brings passion, knowledge and a deep sense of purpose in our work to support clients and their stakeholders in developing lasting solutions to complex problems. This section presents reports that are written by our staff and highlight the work that we do to give a glimpse into the ideas and thoughts that drive us.

Golfers to Indiana Jones choke on smog from Sumatra fires
Golfers to Indiana Jones choke on smog from Sumatra fires
  • By Bloomberg News
  • Editor Daemeter

As smoke from Indonesia’s burning forests drifted across the Strait of Malacca into Singapore last June, the pollution index shot up and Ong Eng Tong’s golf course shut down, Bloomberg reported. “Once the PSI reaches 150 or 200, they have to close,” said Ong, a 71-year-old independent energy consultant. His Singapore Island Country Club was […]

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